Search is becoming far more natural and intuitive, enabling people to search anyway and anywhere. We know how busy it tends to get for the homeschooling family. Hopefully, PIE’s Calendar will become a useful search tool for members trying to keep track of upcoming meetings, deadlines, and milestones that are important to them.
Advantages of PIE’s calendar:
- Awareness: become informed of events
- Research: a starting point for exploration
- Organization: search features for quick results
- Planning: import results to your calendar
- Direction: benefit from the research of others
The calendar is simple to use, which will be explained in this section. All entries will fall into one or more categories. For example, the South Carolina Junior Scholars program would fall into the testing information and middle school categories.
Filtering by categories is straightforward once you learn a few navigational details.
To learn more about the filtering properties, let’s begin with the navigation features. Formatted to open to a view of the current month, the buttons at the top left corner are used to advance or move backward from today’s date, one month at a time < >, or one year at a time << >>. A button is included to return to today’s date.

The buttons at the top right corner provide Month, TimeLine, and Accordion Event views. Switching between these views at different times optimizes your search.
For example, the TimeLine view provides a list of events with a view of the categories without having to open each event (e.g., Middle School, Testing Information).

Selecting one of the available categories creates a filter with your search results. For example, by selecting the category “Testing Information,” the search will now include a bar with “Archive by category: Testing Information” below the navigational buttons (see the next image). Remove the filter by selecting “Return” on the filter bar.

With the filter in place, you can now navigate forward or backward using the Accordion Event view displaying only those events categorized according to the filter selected.

Each event will contain a title, event summary, event details, iCalendar, and category.
iCalendar provides a download feature for individuals using Microsoft Outlook, Google Calendar, and Apple Calendar. You can download each event to your calendar. The iCal Feed feature is currently not active.

Select the Download ICS button to download an event to your Outlook calendar.

Click on the xEvent_527.ics file that pops up at the bottom left corner of the browser. The ICS file will reflect differing numbers depending on the event you download.

An ICS file is a calendar file saved in a universal calendar format used by several email and calendar programs, including Microsoft Outlook, Google Calendar, and Apple Calendar. It allows users to share calendar information on the web and over email. The following is a screenshot of the ICS file opening in Microsoft Outlook.

The dates, title, and summary should import with no problems, but you may need to edit your event details, depending on your needs. You can always copy the event details from PIE’s calendar and paste them into yours.
Subscribe for Calendar Update Notifications
Members can subscribe to our mailing list to receive future updates to the calendar. Please note that this does not include reminders for existing events. A download feature is included with each event so that those events you are interested in can be downloaded to your calendar, where you can set up your reminders. This requires an account with Microsoft Outlook, Google Calendar, or Apple Calendar.

The Calendar Update Notifications email list alerts you when new events get posted. You can unsubscribe anytime at the following web page.
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