Welcome to PIE's Help Center

Access to PIE’s website is as follows:



South Carolina offers three options for homeschooling your child within the bounds of the law. Here’s a brief description:

  • Option One: Register through the school district.
  • Option Two: Register through SCAIHS (South Carolina Association of Independent Homeschools).
  • Option Three: Register through a Third Option Accountability Association.

Palmetto Independent Educators (PIE) is a third option association. PIE provides the security of proper legal covering while giving parents the freedom to choose and implement an educational program that best fits their child’s needs. Accountability requires the office of PIE to coordinate annually with members, as well as each school district members reside in, and finally, South Carolina’s State Department of Education. Learn more about PIE through the following link.


If you're considering transitioning your child from homeschooling back to a public school setting, rest assured that schools are obligated to admit your child. Upon enrollment, you'll typically be requested to provide transcripts and documentation outlining your child's educational background. PIE offers transcript services specifically tailored to support students re-entering public or private schools, ensuring a smooth transition for your child.

Visit the member center to learn more about the transcript service, or contact the office directly. Please allow ample time for a response.


Feeling unqualified to teach your child at home is a common concern, but it's important to remember that homeschooling doesn't necessarily require you to be an expert in every subject. Here are some tips to help you navigate this situation:

  • Utilize Resources: There are countless resources available to assist you in teaching your child. You can find textbooks, online courses, educational videos, and even local homeschooling groups that offer support and guidance.

  • Online Learning Platforms: Consider using online learning platforms like Khan Academy, Coursera, or even educational YouTube channels. These resources often provide structured lessons and exercises that can supplement your teaching.

  • Curriculum Packages: Many homeschooling curriculum packages are designed to be self-guided, meaning they come with detailed lesson plans and instructions that take the pressure off of you to be the sole teacher.

  • Co-Op Groups: Joining a homeschooling co-op or support group can be invaluable. These groups often consist of other homeschooling parents who can share their expertise, resources, and even offer co-teaching opportunities.

  • Learning Together: Remember, you don't have to have all the answers. Learning alongside your child can be a rewarding experience for both of you. If you encounter a subject that you're not comfortable teaching, you can explore it together and learn together.

  • Seek Help When Needed: Don't hesitate to reach out for help when you need it. Whether it's hiring a tutor for a specific subject or seeking guidance from other homeschooling parents or educators, there's no shame in asking for assistance.

  • Focus on Your Strengths: While you may feel unqualified in certain subjects, you likely have strengths and interests that you can leverage in your homeschooling journey. Focus on what you're good at and passionate about, and don't be afraid to incorporate those into your teaching.

Remember, homeschooling is a flexible and personalized approach to education, and there's no one-size-fits-all approach. The most important thing is to create a supportive and nurturing learning environment for your child, and that doesn't necessarily require you to be an expert in every subject. Visit PIE Pieces from time to time for practical, inspirational, and educational content.


When it comes to homeschooling, it's usually up to the parent or guardian to do the teaching. Others can help out or work together with you, like other parents or tutors, but ultimately, the responsibility falls on you. It's important for you and your spouse to be on the same page about how you're going to homeschool your child. While others can support you, they can't take over the job entirely—it's yours to handle.

Be sure to carefully review the homeschool laws. By carefully reviewing these laws, you can make sure you're meeting all the necessary requirements and keeping your child's education on track.


Whether homeschooling "works" is a complex question that depends on various factors such as the individual child, the family's approach to homeschooling, and the resources available. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Academic Achievement: Research shows that homeschooled students often perform as well as or even better than their traditionally schooled counterparts on standardized tests. However, the quality of education in homeschooling can vary greatly depending on the curriculum, teaching methods, and parental involvement.
  • Customized Learning: One of the main advantages of homeschooling is the ability to tailor education to the individual needs and interests of the child. This can lead to a more personalized and potentially more effective learning experience.
  • Flexibility: Homeschooling offers flexibility in scheduling, allowing families to take advantage of unique learning opportunities and adapt to the needs of their children. This flexibility can be particularly beneficial for students with special needs or those involved in extracurricular activities.
  • Socialization: Critics of homeschooling often raise concerns about socialization, suggesting that homeschooled children may miss out on opportunities to interact with peers. However, homeschooled children often participate in various social activities such as sports, clubs, and community events, and many families actively seek out socialization opportunities for their children.
  • Parental Involvement: Successful homeschooling typically requires a significant commitment from parents or caregivers, who serve as the primary educators. This level of involvement can be challenging for some families, particularly those with multiple children or parents who work outside the home.
  • Legal and Regulatory Considerations: Homeschooling regulations vary by location, and families may face legal requirements such as standardized testing, portfolio reviews, or reporting to educational authorities. Compliance with these regulations can impact the effectiveness of homeschooling.

Overall, whether homeschooling "works" depends on the goals of the family, the resources available, and the individual needs of the child. For some families, homeschooling can be a highly successful educational option, while others may find that traditional schooling better meets their needs. It's essential for families considering homeschooling to thoroughly research their options, seek support from homeschooling communities, and carefully consider the implications for their children's education and well-being. Visit PIE Pieces for some practical, inspirational, and educational ideas.


Absolutely! The method you choose to educate your child can make a big difference in how they learn and develop. Different methods, like homeschooling, traditional schooling, or alternative education, offer unique approaches to learning.

With homeschooling, you have the flexibility to tailor your child's education to their specific needs and interests. You can create a personalized learning environment that caters to their learning style, pace, and passions. This can lead to a more engaged and motivated learner who thrives academically and personally.

However, it's important to note that the effectiveness of homeschooling depends on various factors such as the quality of curriculum, teaching methods, parental involvement, and socialization opportunities. It requires dedication, planning, and resources to ensure a well-rounded education.

Ultimately, the method of educating your child can significantly impact their educational journey and overall development. It's essential to explore different options, consider your child's individual needs, and choose the approach that best supports their growth and success.



At PIE, we are committed to safeguarding your privacy in all aspects of our operations. Here's how we ensure the confidentiality of your information:

  • Confidentiality: Any information submitted to PIE is strictly for our internal use and remains confidential. We do not engage in the sale or provision of your personal information to any third parties.
  • Reporting Requirements: As mandated by law, we report only the aggregate number and grade level of our homeschooling members to the local school district once annually. We do not disclose individual student information without proper verification.
  • Verification Process: In the event of a school district inquiry regarding membership status, we require the student's name for verification purposes. We do not provide lists of homeschoolers' names to local authorities.
  • Online Profile Creation: Upon completing registration with PIE, our office manually creates online profiles for each member. These profiles are specifically designed for our website, serving as a platform for homeschooling-related content management.
  • Limited Information Collection: When setting up online profiles, we collect only essential information, including your first and last name, email address, and membership number. This information is utilized solely for the purpose of membership management and website functionality.

Rest assured, your privacy and confidentiality are paramount to us at PIE. If you have any further questions or concerns regarding our privacy practices, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

Thank you for entrusting us with your homeschooling journey.

PIE's website Privacy Statement is available through the following link.


The terms of use on PIE's website are like rules or guidelines that everyone agrees to follow when they visit or use the website. They are there to make sure that everyone uses the website safely and responsibly. These terms cover things like how you can use the content on the website, what behavior is acceptable, and what isn't allowed. It's kind of like a contract between the website and its visitors to ensure that everything runs smoothly and people are treated fairly. The Terms of Use and Privacy Statement are located at the bottom of each web page.


We put together an orientation for families considering homeschooling.

The significance of PIE's orientation lies in its systematic approach to effectively communicate responsibilities and expectations to both new and existing members, facilitating their success. This orientation process plays a crucial role in minimizing the potential for misunderstandings while ensuring that vital information is upfront and accessible to individuals contemplating joining Palmetto Independent Educators (PIE).


Although we strongly recommend that families review the entire orientation, the following section highlights the five most crucial steps to take when embarking on your homeschooling journey.



In general, PIE’s hours of operation are from 9 AM to 3 PM, Monday through Friday. We usually answer the phone only during hours of operation unless it’s an emergency. And we have been known to communicate via email after hours.

The following is a list of resources PIE has put together to help you through the process of discovery and searching for immediate answers to your questions:

  • Record-Keeping Insights: Frontline support begins with insights. Gain an accurate and deep intuitive understanding of the record-keeping process – power-up, so to speak.
    Record Keeping Insights
  • Knowledge Base: Frontline support continues with our knowledge base. Visit the FAQ page for information relevant to your needs.
    Help Center
  • Email Support: If frontline support does not provide the information you need, consider using email. We also have a contact form configured to safe-list as opposed to junk email. Don’t forget to allow ample time for a response.
    admin@homeschoolingwithpie.org (email)
    https://palmettoindependenteducators.com/Contact (contact form)
  • Phone Support: If your situation is urgent, call and speak to the director. If the director is not available, leave a message. Don't forget to include your membership number. The director will return your call as soon as possible. Again, please allow ample time for a response.
    Phone: (803) 649-2415   Fax: (803) 643-1843

Record-Keeping Insights and Help Center are PIE’s frontline support solutions. From start to finish, these are the tools the office of PIE encourages members to use to find information relevant to their specific needs – day or night. We are working diligently with these resources to match our member’s expectations.


To access the member center on PIE's website, you need to log in. This center is there to make your experience better by giving you easy access to information, resources, and services that are useful to you. Once you're logged in, the system knows you're authorized to see content meant for active members.

To start the login process, just click on "Member Center" at the top of the page.

Currently, we aren't able to register new members directly on the website. After you register with PIE, our team manually creates online profiles for each member. These profiles are tailor-made for our website and are specifically set up to help manage homeschooling-related content. Once a member's profile has been established, an email with username and password is sent to the email address provided through the application process.

For information on PIE's privacy policy, please refer to the previous question and answer.


PIE assigns a membership number to make it easier for us to address our members' needs efficiently. This number helps us keep track of who you are and ensures that we can provide you with the assistance you require in a timely manner.


Members have the option to join our mailing list for updates on future events listed in the calendar. However, please be aware that currently, this subscription doesn't include reminders for events that have already been scheduled. For your convenience, each event comes with a download feature. This allows you to add events you're interested in directly to your personal calendar, where you can set up your own reminders. This feature requires a free account with Outlook, Google, or Apple. We're currently working on implementing a notification system, so signing up for our email list will eventually alert you when new events are added. We'll keep you informed of any changes. And remember, you can opt out of our mailing list at any time using the link provided below.



No! However, PIE provides curriculum guidance and resources through its website for parents who are homeschooling their children from elementary grades all the way to advanced courses for high school students. This means that parents can access guidance and advice on choosing the right curriculum for their child's education journey, no matter their grade level. PIE’s website is like having a helpful resource available online (affordable and non-intrusive) to assist parents in making informed decisions about their child's homeschooling curriculum. Parents make the final determination as to whether the guidance and advice offered meets their needs.


Yes! Sign up today for your family's membership to SchoolhouseTeachers.com by clicking the red JOIN button provided on the following web page. Enter PALMETTO INDEPENDENT EDUCATORS as your referring support group and you will save over $80 off retail plus help Palmetto Independent Educators continue to GROW homeschooling in our state.


PIE’s website is a work in progress. Here are just some examples of the types of resources that PIE is striving to provide to assist parents in creating enriching and effective learning experiences for their children at home:

  • Subject Overviews: Providing detailed explanations of different subjects and topics commonly covered in homeschooling curricula, including recommended learning objectives and skills for each grade level.
  • Curriculum Reviews: Offering reviews and comparisons of popular homeschooling curricula, highlighting their strengths, weaknesses, and suitability for different learning styles or educational philosophies.
  • Learning Resources: Sharing a variety of educational materials such as textbooks, workbooks, online courses, educational apps, and websites that align with various subjects and grade levels.
  • Lesson Planning Tools: Offering templates, guides, and tips for creating effective lesson plans tailored to individual learning goals, schedules, and preferences.
  • Assessment Strategies: Providing guidance on assessing student progress and understanding through methods such as tests, quizzes, projects, and portfolios.
  • Specialized Programs: Offering information on specialized programs or resources for students with unique learning needs, including gifted education, special education, or English language learners.
  • Community Support: Facilitating connections with other homeschooling families or support groups where parents can share experiences, resources, and advice.
  • Legal and Regulatory Information: Providing information on homeschooling laws, regulations, and requirements specific to different regions or jurisdictions.
  • Parental Support and Training: Offering workshops, webinars, or articles to support parents in developing effective teaching strategies, fostering a positive learning environment, and managing challenges associated with homeschooling.

As PIE continues to develop its website, we aim to expand our offerings to support homeschooling families on their educational journey better. Our goal is to provide comprehensive guidance and resources to empower parents to create engaging and impactful learning experiences for their children at home. From detailed subject overviews to helpful curriculum reviews, a variety of learning resources, and practical tools like lesson planning templates, we're committed to equipping parents with the tools they need to succeed.

Additionally, we strive to foster a supportive community where parents can connect with others, access legal information, and receive ongoing parental support and training. Together, we can confidently and successfully navigate the exciting adventure of homeschooling. Stay tuned for more updates and enhancements as we continue to grow and evolve to meet the needs of our homeschooling community. The following link provides an example of the type of curriculum resources we are working toward.


Cathy Duffy Reviews has become an invaluable resource for homeschooling families navigating the vast sea of educational materials. By offering comprehensive and insightful reviews, Cathy Duffy empowers parents to make informed decisions that align with their unique homeschooling goals. As the homeschooling movement continues to grow, the guidance provided by Cathy Duffy serves as a beacon, helping families create enriching and tailored educational experiences for their children.



Under the 3rd option, educational records shall be maintained by the parent-teacher and include:

  • (1) a plan book, diary, or other record indicating subjects taught and activities in which the student and parent-teacher engage;
  • (2) a portfolio of samples of the student's academic work; and
  • (3) a semiannual progress report, including attendance records and individualized documentation of the student's academic progress in each of the basic instructional areas specified.


Parents typically handle transcripts and diplomas themselves. Here's how it works:

  • Transcripts: Just like in traditional schools, homeschooling parents keep track of their child's courses, grades, and credits earned throughout their education. They create a transcript, essentially a document summarizing all the courses completed and the grades received. This transcript is often formatted similarly to those used by traditional schools and includes information such as the course name, grade earned, credits earned, and GPA (if applicable).
  • Diplomas: When homeschooled students complete their high school education, their parents can issue them a diploma. This diploma serves as proof that the student has met the requirements for graduation as determined by their parents. It typically includes the student's name, graduation date, and the homeschool name. Some parents may create a more formal-looking diploma, while others may opt for a simpler one.

It's important to note that requirements for transcripts and diplomas may vary depending on state laws or regulations. Some states have specific guidelines that homeschooling parents must follow when creating transcripts or issuing diplomas. For example, the state of South Carolina authorized homeschooled students pursuing higher education within the state to participate in the state’s scholarships and grants program.

  • Palmetto Fellows: Available for the top 6% rank (requires class rank from an association).
  • Life: Available for the top 30% rank attending a four-year institution (as an alternative requirement for 2 out of 3, class rank from an association).
  • SC Hope (does not require class rank)
  • SC Need-Based Grant (does not require class rank)
  • Lottery Tuition Assistance (does not require class rank)


PIE’s Transcript Service provides class rank for member students desiring to participate in the state’s scholarship program.

Additionally, some colleges or universities may have specific requirements or expectations regarding transcripts from homeschooled students, so it's wise to research these as well if higher education is a goal. For example, the NCAA provides the specifics of their requirements from the following link:


PIE’s Transcript Service: A transcript formatted according to NCAA’s requirements is included in the service. Members can log in to the website to learn more.

When it comes to homeschooling, keeping track of your child's progress and educational journey is essential. As user-friendly record-keeping tools I recommend using custom made planners.

Homeschool Planner: A physical or digital planner specifically designed for homeschooling can be a lifesaver. Look for one with customizable sections for lesson plans, schedules, attendance, and grades. For example, each year, PIE formats SMART Advantage Planners for members to use. These are available through the Document Library.

Below are additional choices for maintaining records.

  • Online Homeschooling Platforms: There are many online platforms tailored for homeschooling families. These platforms often include features for tracking attendance, recording grades, organizing lesson plans, and sometimes even providing educational resources.
  • Spreadsheets: If you prefer a more customizable approach, you can use spreadsheet software like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. Create tabs or columns for each subject, record daily activities, assignments, grades, and any other relevant information.
  • Digital Note-taking Apps: Apps like Evernote, OneNote, or Google Keep can be handy for keeping track of lesson plans, resources, and progress. You can organize notes by subject or topic and easily access them from any device.
  • Portfolio Systems: Consider using a portfolio system to compile samples of your child's work, such as essays, projects, artwork, and assessments. This can serve as a comprehensive record of their achievements and progress over time.
  • Gradebook Software: Utilize gradebook software designed for educators, which allows you to input grades, track progress, and generate reports. Some popular options include Homeschool Tracker, Gradelink, and Engrade.
  • Attendance Trackers: Keep a simple attendance log to ensure compliance with legal requirements. This can be as straightforward as a calendar where you mark each day your child participates in homeschool activities.
  • Educational Apps with Progress Tracking: If you use educational apps or online learning platforms as part of your curriculum, choose ones that offer progress-tracking features. This way, you can monitor your child's performance and engagement within the app itself.

Remember, the best record-keeping tool is one that suits your family's needs and preferences. Whether you prefer digital or pen-and-paper methods, consistency and organization are key to effectively tracking your homeschooling journey.


PIE’s website offers comprehensive guidance on creating and maintaining student portfolios for different stages of education, from elementary to high school. However, let's simplify the concept of portfolios in homeschooling.

Imagine a portfolio as a collection of your homeschooling journey's highlights and accomplishments. It's akin to a scrapbook or a display board that helps you track what you've learned and achieved.

Here's why portfolios matter:

  • Tracking Progress: Portfolios are handy for monitoring your progress across various subjects. You can include samples of your work, like essays, projects, artwork, or even snapshots of science experiments.
  • Showcasing Skills: They allow you to flaunt your skills and talents. For instance, if you're excellent at drawing, you can exhibit your best artwork to showcase your artistic abilities.
  • Personalized Learning: Homeschooling tailors education to your needs, and portfolios reflect this personalized journey. You can include things that interest you, making your portfolio a mirror of your unique learning path.
  • Documentation for Evaluation: Sometimes, you may need to present evidence of your homeschooling experience for evaluation or assessment. A well-organized portfolio can serve as proof of your academic achievements.
  • Reflection and Goal Setting: Reflecting on your portfolio can help you assess your learning journey and set goals for the future. It allows you to see how much you've progressed and identify areas for improvement.

In essence, think of your portfolio as a showcase of your learning, skills, and growth throughout your homeschooling experience—a personalized scrapbook of your academic achievements.



South Carolina offers three options for homeschooling your child within the bounds of the law. Here’s a brief description:

  • (1) Option One: Register through the school district.
  • (2) Option Two: Register through SCAIHS (South Carolina Association of Independent Homeschools).
  • (3) Option Three: Register through a Third Option Accountability Association.

Palmetto Independent Educators (PIE) is a third option association. PIE provides the security of proper legal covering while giving parents the freedom to choose and implement an educational program that best fits their child’s needs. Accountability requires the office of PIE to coordinate annually with members, as well as each school district members reside in, and finally, South Carolina’s State Department of Education. Learn more about PIE through the following link.


180 Days Minimum

Under the 1st option, the instructional day is at least four and one-half hours, excluding lunch and recess, and the instructional year is at least one hundred eighty days.

Under the 2nd and 3rd options, the instructional year is at least one hundred eighty days.

Be sure to review the text for yourself from the following website.


Absolutely! In South Carolina, it's necessary to officially enroll your children in either a public or private school or through a homeschool association acknowledged by the South Carolina Department of Education. Neglecting to register with an association could lead to complications later, and legally, your children could be deemed truant.

Be sure to review the text for yourself from the following website.


Under the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd options, the curriculum includes but is not limited to, the basic instructional areas of reading, writing, mathematics, science, and social studies and composition and literature in grades seven through twelve.

Be sure to review the text for yourself from the following website.


Under the 3rd option, educational records shall be maintained by the parent-teacher and include:

  • (1) a plan book, diary, or other record indicating subjects taught and activities in which the student and parent-teacher engage;
  • (2) a portfolio of samples of the student's academic work; and
  • (3) a semiannual progress report, including attendance records and individualized documentation of the student's academic progress in each of the basic instructional areas specified.

Be sure to review the text for yourself from the following website.


Section 59-63-100 describes participation in interscholastic activities of the public school district by home-school, charter school, and Governor's school students, including, but not limited to, athletics, music, speech, and other extracurricular activities.

Be sure to review the text for yourself from the following website.


It is possible to home school your sister's son if you obtain legal guardianship. Writing a statement that you and your sister would sign is not enough. To do this legally, you would have to contact a lawyer. However, there's nothing wrong with you helping your sister home school her son as long as she remains the primary instructor. Please keep in mind, the office of PIE requires a copy of guardianship documentation to be maintained in the members' files located here at the office of PIE.

Be sure to review the text for yourself from the following website.


The history of compulsory attendance laws in homeschooling dates back to the late 19th and early 20th centuries when states began requiring children to attend school for a certain number of days or years. These laws were introduced to ensure that all children receive a basic education, aiming to improve literacy rates and promote societal well-being. While compulsory attendance laws historically applied mainly to traditional schools, they also influence homeschooling regulations today.


PIE maintains a current legislation page on its website for a few important reasons:

  • Stay Informed: It helps homeschooling families stay up-to-date with the latest laws and regulations regarding homeschooling. Laws can change over time, and it's essential for families to know what they need to do to comply with these laws.
  • Compliance: By knowing the current legislation, families can ensure they are following all necessary requirements for homeschooling in their area. This helps them avoid any legal issues or complications that could arise from not being aware of the laws.
  • Advocacy: Having easy access to current legislation empowers homeschooling families to advocate for their rights. If there are any proposed changes to homeschooling laws, families can stay informed and potentially get involved in advocating for changes that benefit them.
  • Resource for New Families: For families new to homeschooling, readily available information about current legislation can be incredibly helpful. It gives them a starting point for understanding what is required and how to navigate the legal aspects of homeschooling.

Overall, maintaining a current legislation page helps PIE support homeschooling families by providing them with the information and resources they need to successfully educate their children at home while complying with relevant laws and regulations.


Absolutely! We highly recommend HSLDA (Home School Legal Defense Association) to any homeschooling family seeking support and guidance throughout their homeschooling journey. Our family were proud members of HSLDA throughout our entire homeschool program, and our experience with them has been nothing short of exceptional.

We reached out to HSLDA on multiple occasions, and without fail, they responded promptly and effectively to our needs. Their dedication to assisting homeschooling families is evident in their commitment to providing excellent programs and resources that cater to various aspects of homeschooling.

Through our membership with HSLDA, we have gained a wealth of knowledge and insight into the legal and practical aspects of homeschooling. Their resources have empowered us to navigate the sometimes complex landscape of homeschooling regulations with confidence and clarity.

Moreover, we are immensely grateful to HSLDA for their unwavering encouragement, support, and overall contribution to the homeschool movement. Their advocacy and dedication have played a significant role in shaping the homeschooling landscape and ensuring that families like ours have the freedom and resources to educate our children according to our values and beliefs.

In conclusion, we wholeheartedly endorse HSLDA to any homeschooling family in need of reliable support and guidance. Their commitment to serving homeschooling families is unparalleled, and we are incredibly thankful for their invaluable role in our homeschooling journey.


Members of Palmetto Independent Educators are eligible for a membership discount at the reduced price when using our Group Discount Number. PIE's HSLDA Group Discount is posted from the Member Center. Login to the following page to access the policy number.

https://palmettoindependenteducators.com/HSLDA Group Discount Number

The South Carolina General Assembly Website is a public service offered by the Legislative Services Agency (LSA). Its primary purpose is to provide citizens with information regarding laws and regulations, including those pertinent to homeschooling in South Carolina.

This website serves as a valuable resource for homeschooling families, as it offers access to comprehensive information about the legal requirements and regulations that govern homeschooling within the state. By visiting the South Carolina General Assembly Website, individuals can familiarize themselves firsthand with the specific laws and guidelines they need to follow when homeschooling their children.



Certainly! One national-level support group for homeschooling families is the Homeschool Legal Defense Association (HSLDA). HSLDA offers a variety of resources and support for homeschooling parents, including legal assistance, legislative advocacy, educational resources, and member benefits such as discounts on curriculum and services. They also provide information on homeschooling laws and regulations across the United States and offer support and encouragement through regional events and online communities. HSLDA aims to empower homeschooling families and protect their right to educate their children at home. You can find more information about them on their website.


SCHEA is a statewide organization whose mission is to monitor legislation to preserve homeschool rights in South Carolina and encourage homeschool families and the organizations that serve them.

SCHEA advocates for homeschooling rights and represents the interests of homeschooling families at the state level. You can visit their website or contact them directly for more information on how to get involved and benefit from their services.


Support Groups offer great opportunities for the whole family!  They will encourage you as you are pouring yourself into your children, and they normally offer many opportunities for student enrichment, often including field trips, classes, charitable service, and outreach.  SCHEA offers a listing containing some of the best groups in South Carolina.



Under the 1st option, students must participate in the annual statewide testing program and the Basic Skills Assessment Program approved by the State Board of Education for their appropriate grade level. The tests must be administered by a certified school district employee either with public school students or by special arrangement at the student's place of instruction, at the parent's option. The parent is responsible for paying the test administrator if the test is administered at the student's home.

Under the 2nd option, testing is required according to South Carolina Association of Independent Home Schools (SCAIHS) guidelines.

Under the 3rd option, you are not required to test. However, opportunities for testing using the Stanford 10, CAT, and Iowa standardized tests are available. The 2nd and 3rd option homeschoolers will not have access to the PACT, which is a test for public school students.

Be sure to review the text for yourself from the folloing website.


Yes, homeschoolers do have access to SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test) and PSAT (Preliminary SAT) testing. These tests are commonly used by colleges and universities in the United States as part of their admissions process. Homeschooled students can register for and take these exams at testing centers just like students attending traditional schools.

To register for the SAT or PSAT, homeschooled students typically follow the same process as students in traditional schools. They can register online through the College Board website and select a testing center and date that works for them. Additionally, there are usually options available for accommodations for students with disabilities.

Taking the SAT and PSAT can be an important part of the college admissions process for homeschoolers, as these tests provide colleges with standardized measures of a student's academic abilities and readiness for college-level work. It's advisable for homeschooling families to check the specific requirements and deadlines for testing registration and preparation in their area.

For member specific information, login to the following web page:


Yes, homeschoolers do have access to Advanced Placement (AP) testing. The College Board, which administers AP exams, allows homeschool students to register for and take AP exams at designated testing centers. Homeschool students typically follow the same procedures as students from traditional schools to register for AP exams, including selecting their preferred exam subjects and paying the associated fees.

Homeschool students can contact local schools or testing centers to inquire about AP exam availability and registration procedures. It's important for homeschool students to coordinate with testing centers well in advance to ensure they have a spot reserved for the exams they wish to take. AP exams are offered annually in May, and registration typically occurs several months before the exam date.

Taking AP exams can provide homeschool students with the opportunity to demonstrate their proficiency in advanced subjects and potentially earn college credit or advanced placement in college courses, depending on their scores and the policies of the colleges or universities they plan to attend.

For member specific information, login to the following web page:


Yes, homeschoolers typically have access to CLEP (College Level Examination Program) testing, just like students in traditional schooling environments. CLEP tests are designed to assess college-level knowledge in various subjects, allowing students to earn college credit for what they already know, regardless of how they learned it, whether through self-study, homeschooling, or traditional schooling. Homeschoolers can register for CLEP tests and take them at designated testing centers, enabling them to demonstrate their proficiency in specific subjects and potentially earn college credits before enrolling in a higher education institution.

For member specific information, login to the following web page:


Yes, homeschoolers do have access to take the ACT exams. The ACT is a standardized test commonly used for college admissions in the United States, and it is available to students regardless of whether they attend traditional schools or are homeschooled. Homeschooled students can register for the ACT in the same way that students from traditional schools do, and they can take the test at designated testing centers. It's important for homeschooling families to check the ACT website or contact their local testing centers for information on registration procedures, test dates, and any specific requirements for homeschoolers.

For member specific information, login to the following web page:


Yes, homeschoolers do have access to homeschool-friendly testing programs. These programs are designed specifically with homeschooling families in mind, offering flexibility and accommodations that cater to the unique learning environments of homeschool students. PIE maintains a list of resources from the following page

For member specific information, login to the following web page:


In the past, Palmetto Independent Educators participated in administering the Stanford Achievement Test on an annual basis. As testing resources became readily available to independent educators, PIE's testing services were discontinued. Visit the following page to learn more.



When homeschooling young children, determining which subjects to focus on and how to prioritize them is crucial. Typically, subjects like math, reading, writing, science, and social studies are fundamental. However, every child is unique, so you can adjust priorities based on their interests and strengths. Don't overlook subjects such as art, music, and physical education, as they contribute to a well-rounded education. It's essential to strike a balance that suits your child's learning journey.

Additionally, ensure compliance with state requirements, which requires the basic instructional areas of reading, writing, mathematics, science, and social studies, and in grades seven through twelve, composition and literature.

Be sure to review the text for yourself from the following website.


Creating a balanced daily schedule for homeschooling involves mixing learning with fun activities and regular breaks. Start by setting consistent wake-up and meal times. Plan academic lessons for when your child is most alert and focused, but keep them short and varied to maintain interest. Integrate breaks for snacks, playtime, or outdoor activities to keep energy levels up. Include time for hobbies, creative projects, or extracurricular activities to nurture well-rounded development. Flexibility is key, so adjust the schedule as needed based on your child's needs and interests. Keep it engaging, and remember to enjoy the learning journey together!


When teaching elementary subjects like math, language arts, science, and social studies, it's important to find educational materials and resources that are engaging and age-appropriate for your child. For math, look for hands-on manipulatives, games, and worksheets that make learning numbers and operations fun. Language arts can be taught with colorful books, phonics activities, and writing prompts to encourage reading and writing skills. Science comes alive with experiments, nature walks, and interactive websites exploring topics like plants, animals, and the solar system. Social studies can be taught through stories, maps, and discussions about history, geography, and different cultures.


Adapting the curriculum to match your child's unique learning style and pace is all about finding what works best for them. You can mix and match different teaching methods, like hands-on activities, visual aids, or interactive games, to make learning more engaging. If your child learns best through exploration and discovery, you might incorporate more project-based learning activities. For those who thrive with structure, breaking lessons into smaller, manageable chunks can help. Being flexible and open to trying new approaches ensures that your child gets the most out of their homeschooling experience, tailored specifically to their needs and preferences.


Assessing your child's progress and understanding in homeschooling can be flexible and personalized. You can use a mix of methods like quizzes, tests, projects, and discussions to gauge how well they're grasping the material. Observing their work and listening to them explain concepts can also provide insight. Additionally, keeping portfolios of their work and tracking milestones can help you see their development over time. Remember, the goal is to ensure they're learning and growing, so don't be afraid to adjust your approach based on what works best for your child.


If you find yourself facing gaps in your own knowledge or expertise in certain subjects while homeschooling, don't worry! There are plenty of resources available to help you fill those gaps. Consider reaching out to other homeschooling parents, joining online communities, or accessing educational websites and videos. You can also explore textbooks and online courses specifically designed for homeschooling parents to brush up on subjects where you feel less confident. Remember, learning alongside your child is part of the homeschooling journey, and there's always room to grow and learn together. Don't hesitate to seek support and resources when needed.

Keep an eye out for information posted through the following link.


Exploring extracurricular activities and enrichment programs can greatly benefit your child's development in homeschooling. Consider options like sports teams for physical activity and teamwork, clubs for fostering interests like coding or art, music lessons for creativity and discipline, and volunteer opportunities to instill empathy and community engagement. Additionally, science or nature clubs, language classes, and theater groups offer opportunities for exploration and skill-building. Tailoring activities to your child's interests and talents can enhance their learning experience and provide valuable opportunities for growth outside of traditional academics.

Keep an eye out for information and resources posted through the following link.


To keep your child motivated and excited about learning at home, try making lessons interactive and hands-on whenever possible. Incorporate games, experiments, and activities that align with their interests and learning style. Set achievable goals and celebrate their accomplishments to boost confidence. Provide opportunities for exploration and discovery, and allow them to have a say in their learning by letting them choose topics or projects that excite them. Break up study sessions with breaks and fun activities to keep energy levels up. Finally, foster a positive and supportive learning environment where they feel encouraged and valued.



The middle school curriculum typically includes core subjects like math, science, language arts (including reading, writing, grammar, and literature), and social studies (including history and geography). Additionally, parents may choose to incorporate subjects such as foreign languages, art, music, physical education, and computer science.

It's important to note that this curriculum differs from that of high school, which typically involves more advanced coursework and elective options.


It’s essential to incorporate a variety of teaching methods and resources to create dynamic and engaging lessons for your child. Utilizing hands-on activities, field trips, educational games, online resources, and multimedia materials adds depth and excitement to the learning experience. By tailoring lessons to your child's interests and learning style, you can keep them motivated and engaged in their education journey. Whether your child thrives on interactive projects, visual learning aids, or exploring real-world applications, adapting the curriculum to suit their individual preferences ensures a more enriching and effective learning experience. This personalized approach fosters a deeper understanding of the material and cultivates a lifelong love of learning.

PIE Pieces serves as a go-to resource for homeschooling families, offering a wealth of curated educational materials, activity ideas, and support to help you design enriching and personalized learning experiences for your child at home.


For homeschooling middle schoolers, there is a wealth of resources available to support their education journey. In addition to traditional textbooks and workbooks, families can explore online courses, educational websites, and utilize local libraries and community resources to enhance learning experiences. Homeschooling co-ops also offer opportunities for collaborative learning and social interaction.

PIE's website serves as a valuable go-to resource for homeschooling families, providing curated guidance and lists of resources for parents desiring to meet the unique needs and interests of their middle schoolers.


The amount of time needed for schoolwork can vary depending on your child's learning pace, the complexity of the material, and your homeschooling approach. On average, middle schoolers may spend around 3-4 hours per day on academic studies, but this can vary widely. Flexibility is key in homeschooling, so adjust the schedule to accommodate your child's needs.

South Carolina's homeschool law (b) describes the instructional year as at least one hundred eighty days.


Keep detailed records of your child's coursework, assignments, projects, and assessments. Regularly review your child's work and provide constructive feedback. Use quizzes, tests, essays, projects, and other assessment methods to gauge their understanding and progress in each subject. You will find what seems like endless examples throughout the website, but start with the following link.


Extracurricular activities offer invaluable chances for homeschoolers to socialize, develop skills, and explore interests beyond academics. Sports, clubs, music lessons, art classes, volunteer work, and community programs are just a few examples of enriching activities to consider integrating into your child's schedule. Additionally, reaching out to local support groups can be beneficial, as they may organize or recommend extracurricular programs that align with homeschooling schedules and philosophies. By incorporating diverse extracurricular experiences, homeschoolers can cultivate well-rounded development and foster a sense of community involvement.


Start preparing for the transition to high school by researching high school requirements, exploring potential courses of study, and discussing your child's goals and interests. Consider creating a high school transcript outlining the courses your child has completed and their grades. Additionally, explore opportunities for standardized testing, dual enrollment, or specialized programs to further support your child's academic and career goals.

Transitioning from middle school to high school is an important milestone. Here’s a list of concepts to consider when preparing your child for high school:

  • Transition from guided learning to independent learning.
  • Help your student improve study skills.
  • Involve your teen or tween in curriculum choices.
  • Identify and strengthen weaknesses.
  • Begin thinking ahead.

Remember, each child is unique, so tailor strategies for these concepts to your child’s personality, learning style, and aspirations. High school can be an exciting journey with the right preparation!

Visit our learning process competency matrix to learn how mastery learning and Bloom’s processes come together for the highest level of competency.


Yes, in many cases, homeschooling allows for greater flexibility in course selection and pacing compared to traditional schooling. If your 7th- or 8th-grade student is academically advanced or interested in a particular subject, they can certainly take high school-level courses. It's important to note that the process needs to be documented carefully to verify that the curriculum is actually high school content.

Meticulously documenting the process ensures that verification is in place to ensure the curriculum aligns with high school standards. Without the proper documentation, the receiving school may not accept the courses at the high school level. In this case, the courses would be downgraded to the 7th- 8th-grade level and would not receive high school credit.

Before making this decision, consider the following:

  • Readiness: Ensure that your child is academically prepared for the rigor of high school courses. This includes not only the ability to comprehend the material but also the maturity to handle more advanced topics and expectations.
  • Interest: Make sure your child has a genuine interest in the subject they want to study at the high school level. Passion and curiosity can significantly contribute to their success.
  • Curriculum: Find appropriate high school-level curriculum or resources that align with your child's interests and abilities. There are many online resources, textbooks, and curriculum providers designed specifically for homeschoolers.
  • Transcripts: Keep in mind that if your child completes high school-level courses during middle school, these courses may appear on their high school transcript. This can be advantageous for college admissions but should be considered when planning their high school academic trajectory.
  • Support: Provide adequate support and guidance to your child as they navigate more challenging coursework. This may include additional tutoring, mentorship, or access to specialized resources.

PIE is committed to curating content designed to assist parents in discovering the most suitable curriculum for their unique requirements. Through this endeavor, we have assembled valuable resources for members interested in gaining insight into administering high school courses for their middle schoolers (username and password required).


A diploma serves as documentation confirming the completion of an educational program. If you're questioning whether your homeschooled student can obtain a high school diploma, the answer is affirmative! As the parent, you determine the curriculum for your child and have the authority to issue a diploma upon successful completion of the program.


Honoring your child’s achievements is an important part of your program. For example, earning a high school diploma is a major achievement. Celebrating this important milestone is an important part of providing structure and gives you something to look forward to as your child transitions into new phases of life. Palmetto Independent Educator’s emerald-green diploma kit is a great souvenir to present to your child on graduation day.


Yes, scholarships are available to homeschool students, although the availability and criteria for these scholarships can vary significantly depending on the organization or institution offering them. Some scholarships may be specifically designated for homeschool students, while others may be open to all students regardless of their educational background.

Homeschool students may need to demonstrate academic achievement, involvement in extracurricular activities, community service, or other qualifications to be eligible for certain scholarships. Additionally, there are organizations and foundations that cater specifically to homeschoolers, providing scholarship opportunities tailored to their unique educational experiences and achievements.

It's important for homeschool students and their families to research and explore various scholarship opportunities through online databases, homeschool organizations, community groups, and college financial aid offices to find ones that best fit their needs and qualifications. Additionally, reaching out directly to colleges and universities can also provide valuable information about scholarships available to homeschool students.


Yes, homeschooling can provide a solid foundation for college admissions. Many homeschooled students have successfully gained admission to colleges and universities worldwide. However, the process may vary depending on the institution. Here are some key points to consider:

  1. Academic Preparation: Homeschooled students can tailor their education to their strengths and interests. They have the flexibility to explore subjects in-depth, engage in independent study, and pursue extracurricular activities that align with their passions. Admissions officers often appreciate the unique perspective and self-motivation that homeschooling fosters.

  2. Transcript and Documentation: Parents typically create transcripts that detail the coursework, grades, and achievements of their child. It's essential to maintain thorough records of academic progress, including standardized test scores if required. Some colleges may request additional documentation or portfolios showcasing the student's work.

  3. Standardized Testing: Many colleges require standardized test scores such as the SAT or ACT for admission. Homeschooled students should prepare for these exams like any other student. Some institutions may also accept alternative assessments or consider other indicators of academic ability.

  4. Extracurricular Activities: Participation in extracurricular activities, volunteer work, internships, or part-time jobs can strengthen a homeschooled student's college application. Admissions officers look for well-rounded individuals who have demonstrated leadership, initiative, and a commitment to their interests and communities.

  5. Letters of Recommendation: Homeschooled students may obtain letters of recommendation from teachers, mentors, employers, or community leaders who can attest to their character, academic abilities, and achievements. These letters provide valuable insight into the student's qualities and can support their application.

  6. College Admissions Process: Homeschooled students typically follow the same admissions process as traditionally schooled students, including submitting applications, essays, and other required materials. Some colleges may have specific guidelines or admission policies for homeschool applicants, so it's essential to research each institution's requirements carefully.

Overall, while homeschooling can present unique challenges in the college admissions process, many homeschooled students have successfully transitioned to higher education and thrived in college environments. With careful planning, preparation, and support, homeschooled students can achieve their academic and career goals.


Yes! Obtaining a driver's license typically depends on the regulations of the state in which you reside. Here are some general guidelines reformatted for South Carolina:

  1. Age Requirement: Most places have a minimum age requirement for obtaining a driver's license, usually around 16 years old. This requirement usually applies regardless of whether a child attends traditional school or is homeschooled. In South Carolina, a person at least fifteen years of age may apply to the Department of Motor Vehicles for a beginner's permit. The student will be required to provide proof of residency. This document should contain their full name, date of birth, sex, race, and residence address..

  2. Education Requirement: Some states may require homeschooling students to demonstrate that they are receiving an education equivalent to that of students attending public or private schools. In South Carolina, if you're 15 or 16 and are applying for your first driver's license, you wii have to verify that you are enrolled in public or private school (not suspended or expelled) or are homeschooled, and you have satisfactory attendance.

  3. Driver's Education: Many jurisdictions require completion of a driver's education program before obtaining a driver's license. Homeschooled students are typically eligible to enroll in these programs, either through a local driving school or through homeschooling co-ops that offer such courses.

  4. Permit Requirements: Before obtaining a full driver's license, many places require individuals to obtain a learner's permit and complete a certain number of supervised driving hours. Homeschooled students are generally eligible to apply for learner's permits like any other student.

  5. Documentation: In South Carolina, homeschooled students will need to provide additional documentation to prove their eligibility for a driver's license. The South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles Checklist indicates that a letter from the association will suffice. Members of PIE may request a verification letter through the office of PIE.

It's important to research the specific requirements in your state regarding homeschooling and driver's licenses to ensure compliance with all regulations. You can typically find this information on your state's Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) or equivalent agency website, or by contacting them directly for clarification.


Yes, typically, after homeschooling for one year, a student can apply to the school they are zoned for to participate in various extracurricular activities. This may include sports, clubs, and other activities. However, specific eligibility criteria and processes may vary depending on the school, so it's advisable to directly contact the school for accurate information and guidance regarding participation in public school activities while homeschooling.

Here's a list of extracurricular activities commonly found in public schools:

  • Sports teams (football, basketball, soccer, volleyball, track and field, etc.)
  • Debate club
  • Drama club or theater productions
  • Music programs (band, choir, orchestra)
  • Art club
  • Academic clubs (math club, science club, robotics club)
  • Language clubs (Spanish club, French club, etc.)
  • Community service clubs
  • National Honor Society
  • Yearbook committee
  • Chess club
  • Environmental club
  • Film club
  • Photography club
  • Cultural clubs (Asian Culture Club, African Student Association, etc.)
  • Creative writing club
  • Dance team or club
  • Martial arts club
  • Cooking or culinary club

These are just a few examples, and the availability of activities can vary depending on the specific school and its resources. As the parent-teacher of your homeschool, you will need to contact the school to find out what they have to offer.


Yes! Dual credit courses are courses that allow high school students to simultaneously earn both high school and college credit for completing the coursework. These courses are typically offered in partnership with colleges or universities and are taught either at the high school or on the college campus.

Dual credit programs offer students the opportunity to get a head start on their college education while still in high school. By taking these courses, students can save time and money by completing college-level coursework before graduating from high school. This can also provide them with a smoother transition into college and potentially allow them to graduate college earlier or pursue more advanced coursework once enrolled in a university.

In the context of homeschooling, dual credit courses may be especially beneficial for motivated students who want to accelerate their education or explore more advanced subjects not typically available in traditional high school curricula. These courses can be taken online, through local community colleges, or through partnerships with universities, allowing homeschooled students to access a wider range of educational opportunities and earn college credit while still in high school.

Dual credit courses, which allow high school students to earn both high school and college credit simultaneously, are not necessarily suitable for every student. Whether dual credit courses are appropriate depends on various factors including the student's academic preparedness, maturity, time management skills, and individual goals.

Here are some considerations to determine if dual credit courses are suitable for a homeschooled student:

  1. Academic Preparedness: Homeschooled students considering dual credit courses should have a strong academic foundation in the subject area they plan to take. They should be capable of handling college-level coursework.

  2. Maturity and Independence: Dual credit courses require a certain level of maturity and independence as students navigate college-level expectations and deadlines. Homeschooled students must be able to manage their time effectively and take responsibility for their learning.

  3. Goals and Aspirations: Students should have a clear understanding of their educational goals and how dual credit courses align with them. If they plan to pursue higher education, dual credit courses can provide valuable credits and a head start on their college journey.

  4. Parental Support: While homeschooling provides flexibility, parental support is crucial for success in dual credit courses. Parents need to be actively involved in guiding and supporting their child's education, particularly in navigating the college enrollment process and providing academic assistance when needed.

  5. Availability of Resources: Homeschooled students should have access to resources such as textbooks, online materials, and support services provided by the college offering the dual credit courses.

While dual credit courses can be a valuable option for some homeschooled students, they may not be suitable for everyone. It's important for parents and students to carefully consider the aforementioned factors and assess whether dual credit courses align with the student's academic abilities, goals, and readiness for college-level coursework.


Yes, typically homeschool students can attend prom at a local high school. However, it ultimately depends on the policies of the specific school hosting the prom. Some schools may require homeschool students to meet certain criteria such as age, behavior expectations, or attendance at pre-prom events. It's best to reach out to the school hosting the prom directly to inquire about their policies and procedures for allowing homeschool students to attend.
