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School Year Review Form



The School Year Review Form closes out the current school year (current members only), verifies attendance requirements, and informs the office PIE of your need for the next school year so that we may be better enabled to assist you. The School Year Review form is filled out annually for each student and maintained with the member's file.

Complete the following form by selecting the submit button at the end of the questionnaire, then the return button, repeating the process for each student. Current members may enter their membership number (e.g., 0858M96, 0858M, 0858). The School Year Review Form is due June 30th, each school year (May 15th for seniors).

School Year Review
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  • 1) Has the student completed one hundred eighty days of attendance as required?
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  • 2) Did you implement the basic instructional areas of reading, writing, mathematics, science, and social studies, and grades seven through twelve, composition, and literature as required?
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  • 3) Are you maintaining the following education records as required?

    1.) a plan book, diary, or other record indicating subjects taught and activities in which the student and parent-teacher engage.
    2.) a portfolio of samples of the student's academic work.
    3.) a semiannual progress report including attendance records and individualized documentation of the student's academic progress in each of the basic instructional areas.

  • *
  • 4) Is there any information that you would find beneficial? If so, please provide a brief description.
  • 5) Will this student continue under the auspices of Palmetto Independent Educators next school year?
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  • For high school students, please indicate grade level and current cumulative grade point average (GPA).
  • *
  • We at PIE want to help you, the Parent/Teacher, with your choice to home school. Thank you for taking a moment to answer these questions. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

    Denise Merchant

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