We were members of HSLDA throughout the entirety of our home school program. We had contacted HSLDA on several occasions, and they have always responded to our needs. They provide excellent programs that help homeschooling families in numerous ways. We have gained a considerable amount of knowledge from them. We thank them for their encouragement, support, and overall contribution to the home school movement.
Home School Legal Defense Association was founded in 1983. Their mission is to defend and advance the constitutional rights of parents to direct the education of their children and protect family freedoms. HSLDA now has over 100,000 members supported by a wide range of staff members. Learn more about member benefits through their Web site.
Using their website as an effective information source, HSLDA can educate homeschoolers on up-to-date active Federal and state legislation such as National Testing. With easy-to-use navigation tools, we can respond quickly when the situation arises.
We are pleased to inform members that Palmetto Independent Educators has completed the application process and is now officially a "Registered HSLDA Discount Group." We want to thank the members of PIE for participating in establishing PIE's Group Discount with HSLDA.
Members of Palmetto Independent Educators are now eligible for a membership discount at the reduced price of $115.00 per year when using our Group Discount Number. PIE's HSLDA Group Discount is posted from the Member Center.
All transactions are made directly through the office of HSLDA. You may download HSLDA's application from the following Web page.